Thursday, 5 May 2011

The Judgement

How can one man make so many people interested? He is just a regular man... In fact he is just a slightly strange man. He rarely leaves his house and is almost at a timid point of others. But not of his mistress, yes another affair in this clustered situation.. Daisy the sweet little thing being betrayed by Tom finds love again with this Gatsby. Gatsby, Gatsby, Gatsby, who is this character of a man? Is he a killer, a person of government, a German spy, a man of power from Europe? He has many different judgments by people. Why would they pick on this man, is it for that he owns a mansion? He is the mysterious man. And now how so is it that Daisy knew Gatsby? She told no one that she had heard of him, let alone, had feelings for him!! He is certainly sneaky about what he does, might lead someone to believe he could be either dangerous or the most caring person in the world. I mean why does everyone care about someone who they don't even know about. He is just another one of the human race, but this is why people take interest. This interests people, they enjoy surprise or the enlightenment of not knowing the thrill of finding out and the disappointment of finding out the truth and not finding out what they had hoped. That is life though. It has it's ups, and it's downs. The way people deal with that is the way they are judged or looked upon.    

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